Get Rid Of Unsightly Bulges Of Fat With Vaser Lipo Treatment

After having children, lots of women find that they get unwanted problem areas, with fat settling on the tummy, hips and bottom, or men and women find themselves saddled with middle-aged spread, maybe fat on the upper arms or back fat bulges that out from under the bra and some men even get fatty breasts.

A good way to get rid of these unsightly bulges and keep up a slim, healthy-looking body, is by having vaser lipo, which is a procedure that’s ideal for different body types and body problem areas.

The most common body areas for vaser lipo are;

  • Waist – Love handles, on both men and women, can prove very hard to get rid of, but with vaser, the good skin elasticity in the waist area can get excellent results with this treatment.
  • Hips – Below the waist and toward the outer area of the bottom is, in lots of women a problem area. The hips can gradually merge into the waist area and vaser treatment can shape this area to create a curvy feminine silhouette.
  • Flanks – The flanks also have good skin elasticity. The flank area is in the lower back area above the panty line. Vaser treatment on the flanks is usually done at the same time as the waist, giving an even and smooth contour.
  • Chest – Men tend to lose muscle mass of the chest as they age, resulting in a flabby appearance. Other men suffer from moderate to severe gynecomastia, or man boobs, both can easily be treated with vaser lipo.
  • Upper arms – Excess fat and tissue in the upper arms is a common sign of getting older. Vaser can give a more youthful look, toning the arm area.
  • Lower abdomen – Vaser of the lower abs can result in a tighter and more toned tummy.
  • Upper abdomen – The upper abdomen is the area between the tummy button and the ribs.
  • Inner thighs – Some women want vaser of the inner thigh to stop their inner thighs from touching when they’re standing up straight.
  • Outer thighs – Usually known as saddle bags, the outer thigh is a common problem area for lots of women.
  • Back – Known as back fat, bra fat or fat rolls. The back is a great area for vaser lipo as the skin in the area is thick and forgiving.
  • Chin / Knees / Neck – Delicate areas can benefit from precise vaser treatment.

Compared to traditional liposuction;

* Vaser lipo causes minimal damage to the body, the vaser probes avoid the nerves, blood vessels and surrounding tissue.

* There’s much less bruising and swelling.

* The results are immediate, and they are further enhanced over the following months.

* With vaser, there’s 70 per cent less blood loss compared to normal liposuction.

* Vaser treatment takes place under a local anaesthetic, avoiding any potential complications.

* Vaser lipo produces more skin tightening than any other form of liposuction.

* Large, small or multiple areas, can easily be targeted during one vaser lipo procedure.

* Fat cells close to the skin’s surface can easily be targeted with vaser, producing excellent results in the delicate areas such as the neck, chin and the back of the knees.

As long as you are eating healthy and exercising regularly, a vaser lipo procedure will help you take away the unwanted fat in your problem areas.