Porcelain Veneers: What Should You Expect From Your First Visit?

If you are looking for a way to improve your smile due to dental imperfections, porcelain veneers may be the right choice for you. Porcelain veneers make it easy to create a whole new beautiful smile and are a less invasive procedure than having crowns placed. Most veneer options are used for cosmetic purposes but can be a part of an overall treatment plan.

What are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thin pieces of dental porcelain designed to fit over the teeth to hide stains, slight misalignments, chips, and more. Every set of veneers is crafted to the specifications of the dental recipient’s mouth. There is not a one-size-fits-all type of porcelain veneer. Each set is truly unique to the individual receiving it.

Preparation and Impressions

The first appointment with your dentist will likely be a combination of consultation and preparation. Once you have decided that the veneers are the right choice for you, your dentist can begin preparation for a permanent set of porcelain veneers.

Don’t let the word preparation scare you. The process is minimally invasive and requires you and your dentist to discuss the type of smile you want and the shade of your veneers. Your dentist may take x-rays to check the health of your teeth before moving forward in the process. Any dental work that needs to be done should be completed before preparation and impressions occur.

The dentist will then, buff enamel off of your teeth to make way for the overlay that will be placed on top of them. The amount of enamel that gets removed is only equivalent to about 0.5mm of enamel. After it is removed, the impressions will be taken of the teeth you plan to have veneers applied to.

Impressions allow for an exact imprint to be made of your teeth so that the porcelain veneers fit perfectly to your teeth.

Temporary Veneers

Your impressions go to the lab to be created using the best quality porcelain dental material. It can take a couple of weeks for your permanent veneers to be ready. For the interim, you will be fitted with a temporary veneer to protect your teeth until the final ones are received. Once your permanent veneers come in from the lab, they will be applied with a special adhesive. Your dentist will then set up your follow-up visits and advise you of aftercare procedures.

Flashing Your New Smile

Now that you have your new smile, you can start showing it off. You should know that there may be some discomfort from the entire process, but not pain. Once you get used to your new veneers, it will become easier to wear them, and they will feel like your natural tooth enamel.